A-Level Results

Jack Hunt School has seen a number of pleasing results at A Level this year, which reflect the tremendous hard work and commitment of staff and students. The overall pass rate was 95%; with 66% of students achieving A*-C grades. We are incredibly proud of all our students’ successes, including some notable achievements by:
Katie Prange with 1 A* and 2 A grades, who will be studying Environmental Biology at Nottingham; Eleanor Spicer with 1 A* and 2 A grades who will be studying History at Kings College, London; Francine Kelly with 2 A* grades and 1 B grade; Elliot Mann with 3 A grades who will be studying Medicine at UCL; Dimitar Nikolov with 3 A grades who will be studying Medical Bio-Chemistry at Leeds; and Wajahat Rasool with 3 A grades.
Our Headteacher, Pamela Kilbey said, "Our Year 13s have worked exceedingly hard to achieve their results this year. They have been role models in the school and have contributed positively to the wider community, we will miss them. We wish them the very best of luck for their futures."