Junior Day 2018
Future Year 7 students join us to have a taster of life at Jack Hunt School.
As we say goodbye to our older students we also say hello to our newest additions, the 330 new Year 7 students who joined us on Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 July for our annual Junior Days.
There was a lot of excitement and nervousness in the air as our new students jumped into the first day of their journey at Jack Hunt School. We gave them a glimpse into the life of a Year 7 with a first day filled with lessons, meeting future teachers, support staff and making lots of new friends.
The focus for the second day was on getting to know each other and working together as a team. As a fun icebreaker, all the students took part in solving the ‘Mystery of the Pomander.’ The investigation revolved around the renovations to Peterborough Museum where builders had found a silver Pomander buried in one of the museum walls.
Working in teams, students were given the chance to showcase their communication and problem-solving skills by collaborating with each other to come up with their own theory about who had owned the Pomander and how it was buried in the museum. Each team received clues throughout the day to help them develop their hypothesis. Creative skills were also put to the test as teams had to make displays to support their findings.
As expected, we were pleased to discover that our new Year 7s have not only brilliant minds, but also excellent team working skills.
We do hope that Year 6s enjoyed the days as much as we did and we look forward to seeing them all again in September.
In the meantime, Happy Summer Holiday!