Musical Talents Showcased in Summer Concert

Once again, Jack Hunt School students from all year groups have taken to the stage to share their talents and the results of their hard work and dedication at the annual Summer Concert.
Once again, Jack Hunt School students from all year groups have taken to the stage to share their talents and the results of their hard work and dedication at the annual Summer Concert.
The evening included wide range of performances from Concert Band, Concert Choir, Woodwind Ensemble, Brass Group, String Group, Jazz Band and Senior Choir. We were also treated to solos with Darcey Murphy performing Life on Mars by David Bowie, Ayesha Patel A New Life from the musical ‘Jekyl and Hyde’ and Francisco Gomes singing Pencil Full of Lead by Paulo Nutuni. This was all rounded off by a performance of Dancing in the Street by the whole ensemble to bring another successful concert to a close.
Mrs Simpson-Holley praised the huge effort and commitment of the performers and made particular mention of the outstanding teamwork displayed by all the instrumental teachers, many of whom had returned to school for the evening to perform alongside their students.
Mrs Sargent and Mr Amos would like to offer their thanks to all students, staff and parents who supported the event and hope you will join them for the school production of Little Shop of Horrors which students will be performing in February.