Pakistan Day Celebrations
Jack Hunt celebrates Pakistan Day
Pakistan Day holds great importance for many Pakistanis. On 23 March 1940 it was agreed that Indian Muslims would have their own homeland, Pakistan. This date is celebrated every year by Pakistanis globally, to commemorate their achievements on attaining Pakistan.
We celebrated our tenth Pakistan Day at Jack Hunt School in our usual style, on both Thursday 21 and Friday 22 March. The dining hall was bustling with colour and aromatic scents.
A mouth-watering Pakistani menu was served consisting of samosas, tandoori chicken, pilau rice, naan, chicken tikka masala and tarka daal.
The various posters around school highlighted facts, people, places and foods prevalent in Pakistan, including the all-time legendary singer Malika Taranum Noor Jahan.
During break and lunch our talented student and Henna Artists created impressive designs for students and staff.
Urdu lessons were dedicated to the learning of both past and modern Pakistan, with each lesson starting with the Pakistani National Anthem. Our trainee teachers observing in the Urdu department commented on the sense of pride our Pakistani heritage students have of their ethnic background and how much they had learnt from their observations.
Year 8 Religion Philosophy and Ethics lessons covered Sikhism: the formation of the Khalsa, the Indian Punjab and the struggles of Pakistan gaining independence. This was very well received by the students leading to some interesting discussions and sharing of personal family accounts.
Tutor time was also dedicated to the learning of Pakistan. Various interesting facts and details were relayed, including a poem by Moniza Alvi, ‘Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan’, which We are certain resonates with some of us British Pakistanis, particularly the many interesting shalwar styles that we have seen over the years. Furthermore, ‘Do you know Pakistan?’ quiz and ‘Design a Henna Pattern’ competition got the buddy teams thinking and all their creative juices flowing. The overall winner for the quiz was CGKN, who scored a fantastic 100% and MDHG form for their amazing henna design articulating the facts of Pakistan Day thoughtfully.
Ms S Hussain – International Education Coordinator
Mr M Nawaz – Deputy Curriculum Area Leader - Modern Foreign Language & Head of Urdu