JHS Student completes 100% of Hegarty Maths
Year 11 Student Richard Kaseta has completed the entirety of Hegarty Maths to 100%
I am delighted to announce that Richard Kaseta in year 11 has completed the entirety of Hegarty Maths to 100%! This is an absolutely incredible achievement. There are 925 different skills that include videos, quizzes and questions to complete. Richard has achieved 100% in every single set of questions including topics that go into the A level Mathematics course. Richard has shown an incredible resilience and independence in completely all of the skills. All of this took him just under 91 hours.
Ms Kilbey sent the following message of congratulations to Richard, ‘I have heard from Ms Flowers that you have completed all the work in Hegarty maths, including the A Level parts they have now included. How incredible! This is an absolutely massive achievement on your part and we are all extremely proud of your commitment. It will have taken you a considerable amount of time and resilience. I know that the Mathematics team are really looking forward to teaching you in the 6th Form.’
I am extremely impressed with Richard’s perseverance and I am looking forward to supporting him next year as he intends to study both A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics. Are there any other students out there willing to take up the challenge? Miss Flowers – Curriculum Area Leader for Maths