Peterborough PE Teach Meet 2016
On Wednesday 16 June Jack Hunt hosted the Peterborough PE TeachMeet 2016, an event for PE Teachers, sharing best PE practice amongst Primary and Secondary PE Teachers.
On Wednesday 16 June Jack Hunt hosted the Peterborough PE TeachMeet 2016, organised by PE Teacher Miss Bracken. As well as teachers from Peterborough schools, PE staff attended from as far afield as Kings Lynn, Wisbech and Spalding.
The evening consisted of a series of presentations on initiatives that have been implemented here at Jack Hunt and other schools to engage students, that have had an impact on learning in PE and other curriculum areas as well as developing student life skills.
The presentations were:
- PE Assessment presented by Mr Vine, Neale Wade Academy who shared ideas about monitoring student progress, managing the data and supporting the students’ progress.
- Extra-Curricular Clubs Incentive presented by Mr Rasib, Jack Hunt who explained the Race2Rio incentive currently running in school to encourage students to attend extra-curricular activities including sporting, creative and academic clubs.
- Ms Anderson, Thomas Clarkson Academy talked about using Kahoot! (a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! Create a fun learning game in minutes (we call these 'kahoots'), made from a series of multiple choice questions. ) as a teaching tool to engage students for mini plenaries.
- Mr Smith, Jack Hunt School gave a presentation about PE in Primary Schools and what has worked not only increasing activity in Primary School pupils but improving attainment levels in Writing Reading and Mathematics.
- Bryn Llewellyn from Tagtiv8 spoke about Making Learning Memorable in the Long Term by making learning fun.
- Mr Cooke, Jack Hunt School gave a presentation about ‘My Personal Best’ linking with Youth Sports Trust. He explained about the ‘My Personal Best’ set of life skills and how developing to help children achieve their Personal Best in PE, school, work as a citizen and their personal life.
- Head of PE at Jack Hunt School, Mrs Jeale gave the attendees tips and ideas for implementing the new GCSE specification.
- The final two presentations were from Mr McNeil from KES Academy in Kings Lynn talking about Club School Links and encouraging children to have a go at doing something different and linking them with external clubs to develop the skills.
- And Ms Bracken finished off the evening with Quick Ideas to Try, Refine and Ditch linking PE and improving Communication Skills.
The presentations were followed by break out groups to discuss the presentations and at the end of the evening the attendees were asked to vote on the two presentations that they felt would have the ‘Most Impact Potential on Learning in PE’ to be put forward to the Final TeachMeet as part of the TeachMeet 2016 initiative