Peterborough's Business Person of the year
Student, Emily Ralfs wins Young Enterprise Business Person of the Year.
Student, Emily Ralfs wins Young Enterprise Business Person of the Year.
The tremendous talent at Jack Hunt School was recognised when Emily Ralfs won the Young Enterprise Business Person of the Year for 2017. She was the Managing Director of a Young Enterprise team called Velocity, who made a profit by selling doughnuts to staff and students, catering for parents’ evenings and selling their hand printed linen bags. As the judges noted, Velocity was lucky to have such engaging and out of the box thinker to lead their team!
Young Enterprise is the UK’s leading charity that empowers young people to harness their personal and business skills. They make connections between schools and the world of work, enabling young people to develop the knowledge and attitude they need to succeed in the future.
When Emily was nominated she represented the Peterborough area and had to survive a tough interview against five other candidates. Emily says she joined the Young Enterprise team to gain real insight into what working in business is like and to learn more about the attitude she needs to succeed. “Emily’s quiet but persistent style of management and her willingness to get personally involved have been critical to Velocity’s success.” – Miles Williamson Noble (Business Advisor)