Impact of Year 7 Catch up premium
Two HLTAs work with the year 7 Nurture and Fresh Start groups. Learners are identified for these groups using primary SATs scores, Star Reader results and CAT scores. Those with scores below a level 100, who are also vulnerable or not yet robust enough for a full mainstream environment, spend part of their week in the Nurture group, attending their Maths, English and PE lessons on the mainstream timetable. Learners who have slightly higher scores, but are still among the ‘red’ results from the Star Reader test are then placed on the Fresh Start programme, which is a part-time programme, focusing on phonics to improve reading and writing, as well as some numeracy which mirrors the maths mastery approaches.
Year 7 curriculum
A Year 7 curriculum has been introduced grouping History, Geography, RE, PDE and IT into ‘My World’ and rotating Art, Design Technology and Drama on a carousel as ‘Create’. Students study two projects a term that encompass both ‘My World’ and ‘Create’. The principles of literacy and numeracy underpin the curriculum and it has been designed to support and accelerate the learning of students, particularly those that are part of the ‘catch up’ cohort. There are two Curriculum Leaders for this project.
Maths and English
All students eligible for catch up premium are targeted for intervention in Maths and English.
All catch up students receive a KS3 revision book in Maths, English or both.
As part of the year 7 curriculum evening, parents are informed of the techniques used to teach literacy and numeracy so that they can support their children at home. They are also made aware of teaching materials on the school VLE firefly which parents can use to identify what their child is learning throughout the year.
Bedrock Vocabulary
One lesson per week in years 7 and 8 is now devoted to the Bedrock vocabulary programme. This teaches students new vocabulary and root words that will build on their existing lexis and ensure that students have the tier 2 and 3 vocabulary that allows them to develop their literacy skills for the future.
Bedrock is also used at Year 9, and beyond for intervention and to further support with literacy.
Reading intervention
Students identified as catch up from their KS2 Reading tests and further assessment with their class teacher, receive one to one and small group intervention both from learning support, Teachers and HLTAs within English. Students are assessed termly and intervention groups adapted accordingly.
Learners have 8 Maths lessons per fortnight which follow the White Rose scheme of work. Lessons adopt a mastery approach to mathematics learning, building a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths. Concrete, pictorial and abstract methods are used and encouraged in lessons to support learning by developing understanding and problem solving skills. Students are taught how to be independent and reflective thinkers to not only support them in Maths but also across the curriculum.
Numeracy intervention
The progress of catch up student is consistently monitored following each end of topic test and each data point. Teachers are able to identify those students requiring intervention and adapt their lessons accordingly. Topics are revisited to ensure students have a deep understanding before moving on to the next unit. This year we plan to select learners requiring additional intervention for extra maths such as small group intervention sessions. Following end of term assessments intervention groups will be adapted accordingly. Students are also given access to PiXl Maths and times tables apps which reinforce the basic numeracy elements.
Year 7 catch up |
End of KS2 mean step in English/Maths (scaled score converted to step) |
End of Year 7 mean step in English/Maths |
English |
F2/1 |
1.77 |
Maths |
F2/1 |
1.75 |