Teacher gains ‘Sign of Peace’ award
Mr Nawaz has been presented with the Sign of Peace award for his work bringing the community together in Peterborough.
On Thursday 30 November 2017, Mr Nawaz, Pakistani Community Liaison, was awarded the sign of peace in consideration of his long community cohesion service in Peterborough.
The event hosted by the Organization for World Peace, was held at the Peterborough Town Hall and was attended by over 100 people and dignitaries.
Attending the event was guest speaker Abid Ali Abid, Worldwide Chairman of the Organisation for World Peace from Denmark. He commended the work Mr Nawaz has been doing for education, behaviour and the safeguarding of the young children in and outside school, particularly in the Mosque environment.
The award was then kindly presented again in school by Mrs Kilbey during staff briefing.