Firefly - Our new Learning Platform
Jack Hunt School has a new learning platform which will make teaching and learning a better experience for everyone.
We are very excited to have a new learning platform to use in school called Firefly. This system makes it much easier for staff and students to communicate and organise their work with the use of tasks, resources and feedback systems.
Students and Staff of Jack Hunt School have been using the system already for the last few days. Parents and carers will receive an email this week with a link to set up their Firefly accounts. These accounts will allow you to see the work or tasks that your child/children have been set, their attendance, marks, behaviour, feedback from their teachers and much more.
This system will make teaching and learning a more intuitive and interactive experience and provide parents, pupils and staff with a place to find all the information they need.
To find out how you can access Firefly, please click here.