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Ex- Student Tells it how it is

Ex-student Sophia Araz inspires students with her journey into Law

Current students at Jack Hunt School were lucky enough to be visited by ex-student Sophia Araz to tell them all about how she has pursued a career in law since leaving Jack Hunt in 2006.  Sophia was able to share with students not only information about the different routes into law, but also some suggestions for how best to deal with GCSEs and A Levels and then pick the right university to suit you and your aspirations. 

“It was brilliant to hear from someone who was just like us about how she had worked hard to achieve the career that she wanted,” said one sixth form student.  “It helps me believe that I can also be as successful in the future.”

We will now be running a regular Tuesday afternoon ‘café’ session during which students can undertake independent learning tasks, find a quiet place to work and meet and have a coffee with some more professionals who will be able to give them advice and guidance about how to prepare for different roles in the future.

If you are an ex-student of Jack Hunt School, please get in touch and help us help our current students! Go to and follow the links to sign up. It’s our 50th anniversary in 2019 and we’d love to keep in touch.