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Teach East Open Evening

Teach East is hosting an open evening at Arthur Mellows Village College on the Monday 12 November, 5pm-7pm. 

Teach East is hosting an open evening at Arthur Mellows Village College on the Monday 12 November, 5pm-7pm. 

There will be a short seminar on teacher training, followed by an opportunity to speak informally about your individual needs. Teach East and a range of other local providers will be on hand to answer your questions and offer advice. 

If you are interested in finding out more about teacher training please email to register for the event.

Teach East is a School-Centered Initial Teacher Training provider (SCITT). They offer a route into teaching that prepares you for a career in education; most of your time will be spent in schools in Peterborough learning from experienced teachers. One day each week you will attend taught sessions at our dedicated training centre at Arthur Mellows Village College and other schools across the city. Here, the best local teachers will share their expertise and knowledge with you, providing you with the theory and pedagogy you need to be a confident, accomplished teacher. 

To find out more about Teach East, attend the open evening or visit their website: