Katherine of Aragon Memorial Service

JHS students attending the annual service at Peterborough Cathedral
On Friday 27th January, the annual Katherine of Aragon memorial service took place at Peterborough Cathedral, with Jack Hunt students once again contributing significantly to the event. Madeline a Year 10 GCSE Spanish student, read a passage in Spanish to all in attendance - including the Ambassador of Spain! She delivered the speech flawlessly with the High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire commenting on both her confidence and eloquence. Two Year 7 students, Aleeza and Illia joined the procession of dignitaries to lay flowers directly on to Katherine of Aragon’s tomb, which was particularly poignant in light of their recent studies regarding Katherine’s significant impact on the city during their ‘Peterborough through time’ My World project. All three students then partook on a tower tour of the cathedral which saw them scale multiple narrow Medieval staircases to reach the highest point on the roof of the cathedral. The views were incredible with students being able to pinpoint the location of the school from beneath the flag pole.
Once again, Jack Hunt students represented the school impeccably and conducted themselves in a way that makes us very proud, which is why our students are entrusted with playing such a key role in such a special ceremony of remembrance.