A Level Results Day 2023
Photograph: David Lowndes
Jack Hunt School are very pleased with their A Level and Level 3 Vocational results, and the fact that the majority of their students have achieved their first choice University place.
Headteacher Jon Hebblethwaite said, “We are very proud of our Year 13 students and are delighted with the results they have achieved. They have worked incredibly hard and shown great resilience and determination, and they deserve every success. We must also remember that this was their first time sitting public exams due to COVID. I would like to thank the staff for their tremendous hard work, and the parents for their support.’ Whilst proud of all our students’ results, particular mention needs to be given to the following:
Lena Ambicka: A*, A*, A; University of Bath – Maths & Physics
Yomna Abouelkhir: A, Double Distinction*; University of Manchester – Midwifery
Lydia Allwood: A*, A, B; University of Birmingham – Psychology
Enric Manyer Marques: A*, A, B; University of Sheffield – Spanish (with Spanish Law)
Mahreen Nadeem: A, A, B; Kings College, University of London – Philosophy
Luckrecija Jasutyte: Double Distinction, Distinction; Gap Year – applying for 2024
Devonne Piccaver: A, B, B; Princeton University (USA) – Journalism (rowing scholarship)
Our Year 13s have made a large contribution to the Jack Hunt School community and we wish every them all best in their future endeavours.