Announcement - Children in Need & Anti-Bullying Week
As you may be aware it is Children in Need on Friday 18 November 2016. You may also be aware that this next week is Anti-Bullying Week (14 November 2016 to 18 November 2016.)
As a school we will be supporting both causes on Friday 18 November 2016.
As you may be aware it is Children in Need on Friday 18 November 2016. You may also be aware that this next week is Anti-Bullying Week (14 November 2016 to 18 November 2016.)
As a school we will be supporting both causes on Friday 18 November 2016. For Children in Need we ask that students wear something spotty and for Anti-Bullying Week we will be supporting their ‘Wear Blue’ campaign. This can be anything from blue jeans, a blue top or something that really stands out for the Anti-Bullying cause. Students are asked to support either of the campaigns or could even combine the two. Unless the clothing is spotty or blue, students will be expected to be in full Jack Hunt School uniform
The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is “Power for Good”, and so we are giving Staff and Sixth Form students the opportunity to show their support by taking part in a Superhero themed non-uniform day.
All students who take part are asked to donate a minimum £1.00; this will be collected during Lesson 5.
As a school, we want the students to enjoy the day and have fun raising money; but we will issue sanctions, as appropriate, if guidance is not followed. This may include asking students to return home to change or in them being isolated for the day. Our strict guidance includes the following:
- Shorts worn with tights/leggings or any form of shorts is not acceptable.
- Correct PE kit should be worn for PE lessons.
- Correct equipment will be needed for all lessons.
- Sensible footwear is necessary in Science and Design & Technology lessons and long hair will need to be tied up.
- All clothing worn should not be offensive to any individual, race or religion.
I am confident that students will make the right choices on their non-uniform wardrobe so that everyone can avoid any disappointment and students can demonstrate their understanding and support for future non-uniform days.
During the day students will also be given the opportunity to get involved in other fundraising activities as part of their tutor group.
Mr Cooke - Charities Coordinator